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tv   7 News at 11 PM  NBC  December 23, 2015 11:00pm-11:34pm EST

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fame. the patriots aren't the only one who won on sunday. a local woman turns a small boss history. yes, we have a warm front moving through southern you new england at this time but we're looking at locally heavy rain right now. providence down no new bedford, corridor.
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half an inch to three quarters of an inch of rain. there might be a couple of rumbles of thunder. there are thunder storms down long island and that's tied to a warm front and humid air here in england. so out on those roadways overnight tonight, that might be a slow go over a few hours with this steady rainfall. this will sweep up through the south shore city of boston through midnight and 3:00 a.m. and then it winds down at 4:00 tomorrow morning and at that time, i think most cities and towns will have upwards of an inch of rain and it will be warm tomorrow morning with temperatures near 60 degrees and through the day tomorrow, close to 70, the record is 61. that's easily going bye-bye with temperatures in the upper 60s. christmas day, still warm. a lot of clouds over the next few days. we have it easy because this breaking news confirming at
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tornados touch down across the state of mississippi and tonight, many people across the south are bracing for another round of strong storms. >> man: you can see the wedged tornado, the cone shaped tornado on the ground there. >> reporter: a tornado rips through clarks dale, mississippi this afternoon. people throughout the south and midwest on edge. >> man: oh, my gosh. >> reporter: with numerous tornado watches and warnings in at least ten states. >> man: that is tornado damage if i've ever seen it. >> reporter: early this morning in arkansas, soaking rains and high winds pushed a tree on to a house with five people inside killing an 18-year-old woman and trapping an 18 month old girl who was rushed to the hospital. >> woman: you only hear about these stories, you don't expect you to be in them. >> reporter: they say this highly unusual december weather pattern is a result of several factors coming together.
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juicy air which we've got. the entire month, you combine those two with a digging jet stream and you get severe thunder storms and a tornado threat. >> reporter: the system brought dark low lying clouds, heavy rain, and winds making it a tough time for travellers. and hail reported in more than a handful of states like arkansas and missouri effecting air travel in some cities. a 12-year-old was a victim of a creepy crime. she says a man exposed himself to her daughter several times while they were out shopping. susan is now with more on this. very disturbing here. >> reporter: vey disturbing. not only that, it was the middle of the afternoon and it was a crowded shopping area and this mom says this man not only flashed her daughter once, but three times.
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christmas tree shops turn into a horrifying experience for a young girl and her mom. >> woman: he had lifted up his shirt and then lifted down his pants. >> reporter: tracy was shopping with her 12-year-old daughter monday afternoon when she says a man in his mid 40s followed her daughter around the store and exposed himself not once but three times. >> woman: she got nervous and stepped over and he moved over and done it again. >> reporter: she said the store was crowded with holiday shoppers. she was within feet of her daughter the entire time but didn't see what was happening and it wasn't until after they left she said something. >> woman: i was sick to my stomach and was in shock. >> reporter: police are reviewing surveillance video and she's confident they'll find this guy. she wants other parents to know to be on high alert.
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parents are aware of what's going on and more cautious of being careful with their kids. >> reporter: and mom says she's forward some and providing police with good details. if you have information for police, you're urged to give them a call. and we're following breaking news in draket. close call for a family when a car slammed into their house tonight. there it is. these people say they were shaken out of their beds. nick is there with more on the accident and the shape of this family. >> reporter: yes, that's right, kim. definitely some frightening moments for the family that lives in this home right here. i want to show you some of the damage right here. the porch suffering extensive damage when the car slams into the front of the home. >> woman: i was in bed, my son was upstairs, i ran on the porch
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>> reporter: a close call for laura and her family. a car barrels into their home. >> woman: they took three or four people in an ambulance. >> reporter: she said it's not the first time it's been a close call. >> woman: there's been so many accidents on the street. they need to have a four way stop sign. >> reporter: an inspector came to check out the damage and the family will be able to stay at the home. the front porch got the worst of it but it could make it difficult for family visiting the holidays. >> woman: i have a brother who is handicapped and we're going to have a hard time getting him in the house. >> reporter: back out here live again. you can see the damage to the front of the home but the family will be able to stay here overnight. there is a crack in the foundation though. this busy street is old meadow road. cars have been coming up and down and you have to at least think that rain may have played a factor in tonight's crash.
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also from the night team, a chipotle restaurant closed for weeks after a nora virus is expected to be back in business this week. tim is live with the very latest on this >> reporter: chipotle was shut down earlier this month but this morning they got the okay, they got 9 clean bill of health. the big question now is will customers want to return? a final once over by inspectional services and now the cleveland circle chipotle is ready to owe reopen. >> man: it's in good shape. it's clear of all product. the employees and everyone in there has been cleared by the public health commission. >> reporter: this closed sign has been posted on the front door for two weeks. after 150 people got the nora virus. the virus stemmed from an employee who showed up to work sick. >> man: clearly here what
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mentioned he was sick, and he was told to stay until the end of the shift. bad mistakes, serious consequences. >> reporter: that boss has been fired by chipotle and the remaining employees were checked to make sure they're healthy and retrained on policies as recently as last night. the entire restaurant has been cleaned from top to bottom but former customers have mixed feelings about returning. >> man: probably in the near future i'll come, but not right away. >> man: i don't think i'll go back i think it's too much for me. i'd be afraid to eat there. >> reporter: inspectional services say they gave employees a pop quiz last night about the policies and procedures and everyone passed with flying colors. they wanted to impart on them, the most important thing, if you're sick, stay home. officials make a big bust investigating a former state representative.
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of small bundles of cash in safe deposit boxes. many boxes were filled to the brim. he was convicted and sentenced on federal embezzlement charges earlier this year. he stole money from a bus company that he controlled. police make a dangerous discovery. they found more than one hundred guns and rounds of ammunition in the home. the owner of the guns in court today. he was making threatening comments against police. he had 103 guns registered to him but he did not have a license to carry after a dui conviction and he never turned into the weapons as ordered. he's been held through the holiday without bail. a man in court linked to an expansive drug link in maine. he's one of two dozen suspects arrested in connection to this case.
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bedroom after arresting him. heroin, cocaine. he's being held on high bail. a real life grinch caught on camera stealing christmas lights has now found the spirit of the season. so he turned himself in to police and he says he's sorry for causing so much holiday heart break. brandon is in lynn standing in front of the beautiful light display to talk about this very nice family. >> reporter: it is gorgeous, that's right, kim. this man stole this laser light beam. it projects all those beautiful christmas lights like you can see but they're back up on the house because the man felt bad police. a real life grinch caught on camera. this is home surveillance video of a man stealing someone's christmas lights. >> woman: he took the laser light beam, and he took an outlet. >> reporter: it happened at a house in lynn. you can see the suspect come on
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cord, start to unwind a string of lights and then take off. >> woman: it was the next day that i saw some of the lights were on and my spotlight wasn't on and i went outside and it was missing. >> reporter: but tonight, the laser light beam is back up and running projecting lights back on to the house. that's because when the man saw himself on the news, people he knew recognized him and start d calling. he had a change of heart and turned himself in. >> man: last night, someone came into the station and turned all the stuff that was stolen in. i gave him credit for turning himself in. he does not have a criminal record and he seems to be an up standing citizen. >> reporter: the man said it was a prank and apologized. the home owners didn't want to press charges. >> woman: i forgive him, it's christmas. >> reporter: the couple said seeing the man on their porch certainly made them uncomfortable but again, decided to spread christmas cheer and not press any charges.
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like i said, nice family. >> feeling the holiday spirit. >> absolutely. still ahead tonight, the bet of a lifetime. >> a woman from massachusetts, with $100,000 worth of reasons. the faceoff just days away and we're getting a new look tonight at gillette stadium as it prepares to host some hockey. we need cold weather around these parts for hockey. not happening this weekend but it will next week. forecast coming up. we're serving up our final holiday helping. we're introduced to a special
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how do you reimagine "banking"? you start with this... then you make it... nothing like this. you make a capital one caf\. someplace more relaxed. with free wi-fi and banking advice... and checking accounts with no minimums... then you design a top-rated mobile app that makes banking as easy as this. that's banking reimagined.
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a woman made a small bet and it's turning out big. she turned $5 into six figures. >> reporter: you might say 26-year-old boston native is lucky. a testament for her love to boston and her sports team tattooed on her hips or a move to las vegas made her a good gambler. whatever the case, she cashed in big time. winning more than $100,000 ona $5 card on the mobile site. >> woman: i actually called william hill and they told me i won and i collapsed onthe floor at work. >> reporter: the odds were against her, 20 thousand to 1 but she was on the right side of the spread in 14 games. her boyfriend helping her place her bet on her cell phone. >> woman: i had the app open
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i want the patriots to win, what button do i press? i told him which teams i wanted pick them. it couldn't happen at a better time. we literally picked up from boston, we had no jobs at the time, we decided to do it and then i totalled my car, it was just a nightmare and then it is he it's just like a blessing. it's a christmas miracle. >> she said she'd like to put that money towards maybe making some wedding plans? following more news tonight, people on the west noticing something unusual streaking across the sky. a fire ball across california and nevada. some thought it was a shooting star, others thought it was santa's sleigh.
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the big question is how is santa landing on the roof without snow? >> i think we had this last year. he's a jolly, fat man, he can adapt. raining cats and dogs and reindeer, especially through southeast mass. metro boston, steady rain and then it backs off towards orange. and then you get into some showers and thunder storms. long island. this is moving north. you may hear a few rumbles of thunder after midnight in southeast mass. this is matter part of a massive weather system that's leading to severe weather in the south now blasting through the ohio river valley. this won't bother us but this is loaded with a lot of moisture
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this is a storm you'd find in march as opposed to december. the rainfall numbers are going up to an inch of rain. boston 3/4 of an inch of rain. by the time it winds down, most cities in town about an inch of rain. 47-62. it's a warm font and there it is, temps in the 60s at this time. and that warm air is surging north. record warmth on the way for tomorrow. mostly cloudy skies. very little in the way of rain. sprinkles early in the day and very late in the day. temps between 65-70. unreal. normal high is 39. pittsburgh at 67. the record is 61. are we're going to get there. you will also smash that, mid 60s.
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rare but here you go. tomorrow. dew point up near 60 degrees. mild and cloudy, a few peeks of sun and there may be a couple of isolated rain showers but nothing significant. christmas day, a lot of clouds, a few peeks of sun, still warm on friday, near 60. the weekend, we are mild and then here comes the cold front sunday into monday. monday is a chilly day and then another warm front comes at us next week. this time, the cold air wins and that results in a messy situation. a messy storm. i think we're going to start snow tuesday morning. i don't know if i'd say plowable storm but it is possible. until then, enjoy the mild air. >> you too, jr. here at 7 new, we're whipping up favorite holiday recipes for such a good cause.
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adam williams is going to show us how to make a cookie that's special to his hometown for this time of the year. >> man: welcome back to our home and happy holidays. this year, i'm going to be making christmas cookies from my home state of new mexico. let's get inside, warm up and start the cooking. we're in the kitchen with very basic cookie making ingredients. we'll start by adding the baking powder and salt to the flour that's already been sifted. now we're going to mix up these ingredients. in a separate bowl, we're going to mix up the shortening, the sugar and the special ingredient. here goes the shortening. and next we have our sugar. what are good cookies without a lot of good sugar and now the seeds which i freshly ground:
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life easier but this is going to give it the nice licorice taste. the eggs go in next, one at a time and this is interesting because i'm not good at cracking eggs but no shells. the next step is adding our flour mixture just a little bit at a time. it's the white wine last. we wrap the dough in plastic so it doesn't dry out, now it's time to chill out. we're going to put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. now comes the fun part or the hard part for some of us. we're going to roll them out and make the cookies. i use a hot airballoon. here we go. you have to use up every mill mooert you have here to make more and more. we're going to dunk them in cinnamon and sugar. first batch into the oven for
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from the state of new mexico to your home, hopefully you enjoy these as much as i do. hopefully if you do the balloons, they bring your celebrations to new heights. happy holidays. >> actually, adam is getting his holiday started a little early. maybe he's watching. merry christmas and shamus was such a good boy. >> he was the best. i'm just kidding, adam. >> that was good and i hope you enjoyed all the holiday helpings. if you'd like the recipes, they're there for the taking. just make a small donation and click on project bread. >> don't go anywhere, sports is next. this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oohhh. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it. look at those reindeer. jeffrey, you're awfully quiet back there. i was just thinking...
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and head back to the dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. nthe volkswagen sign nthen drive event. p zero due at signing, p p zero down, zero deposit, p p and zero first months payment p p on a new passat nand othernselect models. jeb bush: donald, you know, is great at the one-liners. but he's a chaos candidate. and he'd be a chaos president.
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donald trump said that isis was not our fight. donald trump: let syria and isis fight. why are we... why do we care? let isis and syria fight. jeb bush: he said that hillary clinton would be a great negotiator with iran. donald trump: hillary's always surrounded herself with very good people. i think hillary would do a good job. jeb bush: and he gets his foreign policy experience from the shows. chuck todd: who do you talk to for military advice right now? donald trump: well, i watch the shows. i mean, i really see a lot of great, you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... jeb bush: i don't know if that's saturday morning, or sunday morning. donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. that's not going to happen. if i'm president, i'll be a commander-in-chief, not an agitator-in-chief or a divider-in-chief... that i will lead this country in a way that will create greater security and greater safety. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the
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if you're shopping for the patriots, how about a running back with 8 career running back seasons. he's got a lot of miles but the pats are hoping there's enough left in his tank to get in the playoffs.
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working out every day and jogging. this time of year, jackson says can't ask for more than that. >> man: it's exciting. couldn't ask for a better christmas gift. just looking forward to continue to get better and learn the way of the pach triots. this team is already a championship team and i'm just coming here to be the best running back to the organization i can be. >> after hearing this afternoon, the league upholding the star giants wide receiver one game suspension, he issued an apology for his meltdown that led to his ban. the green team looking to build off monday's win hoping for their second win and as many visits to charlotte this month and kelly providing us with the highlight of the night. let's check it out.
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sitting out monday with back spasms and channelling his inner tom brady. he finishes with a big slam, self-led. they really poured things on in the third. the ko has got his back and look at the big fellahs get up and -- at the end. ollink had a team high 20 and jeremy lynn tried to -- jay crowder also chipping in with 19 including this jumper to beat the shock clock in the fourth quarter. they're off until saturday night in detroit. falcons on the fourth and 1, matt johnson makes the most of
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40 yard touchdown, but it goes down as our play of the day any way. harvard advances to the championship game out in hawaii.
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we're out of time tonight, thanks so much for watching. >> if you're starting your holiday early, we'll see you when we see you.
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